Unia Europejska

About us

Our aim is to diagnose and treat infertility in a modern, professional manner, including the use of advanced assisted reproduction technologies.

Each couple struggling with infertility is treated individually by us. 

The proposed treatment methods are tailored to the patient’s needs. Where possible, we try to treat infertility adequately to the underlying cause, in accordance with the recommendations of modern medicine (EBM) and the standards of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine.

For couples where more advanced treatment is indicated, we offer a wide range of assisted reproductive technologies such as:

  • in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • or intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI).

In the course of treatment, we place particular emphasis on individualised stimulation protocols that reduce the risk of complications and the number of excess embryos, and reduce the use of drugs, while maintaining very good treatment outcomes.

At ARTVIMED Diagnostyka i Leczenie niepłodności (ARTVIMED Infertility Diagnostics and Treatment), a modern method which is  vitrification is used to freeze embryos and ova.

A PGD NGS pre-implantation genetic diagnosis method and an advanced embryo culture system time-lapse Embryoscope are available at our centre.

We run Fertility Preservation Programme  for patients undergoing oncology treatment.

Fundusze Europejskie